Just started filling in my profile, bummed to see that Merchandise Manager, VIP Manager aren’t considered a tour role…Would be great to see the inclusion of non-tech roles added in.

The links tool where someone can add their social accounts, please add another for them to add their personal “Website”.

Maybe a section to show relevant licenses or certification people hold…
Also possibly a ‘ready to work’ or similar which indicates where the person may or may not be permitted to work with regard to work visa’s or possible denial of entry….
something else maybe to add to the longer roadmap is the ability to find work colleagues and add them to your network or add people you have worked with etc. similar to facebook friends i guess.

Tried uploading an image as a profile image.
Couldn’t manipulate image, tried to move and crop image, but seemed to be locked to extreme right of image

Can’t change my country to Australia when i go in and edit my profile. Only shows USA as an option.

-The “manage your availability…” stays when you change tabs…
-Having set genders will probably alienate some members of our community
-Under the lists of positions, you should add “Production designer” and “lighting programmer”
-calendar – you should be able to edit your dates instead of just deleting them
-links – instagram should be an option, as some roles are much more visual
– using Safari on a 2018 MBP, the page seems to keep scrolling past my fingers!

that’s it for now. thanks!

In the search page, and in the job position scroll down menus there is no merchandise seller option. 2 times out of 5 i need crew is a merch seller…I think it’d be beneficial to add this

I keep my portfolio on my website and prefer to have people see photos of my work there, but the link to my site isn’t showing up on my home page. The ‘link’ section only has options for social media, which I do not use for business.

‘Save & Close’ tab on calendar manager was buried under the page header.

profile pic uploaded rotated 90º.